[at Christmastime]
[“Greater love than this, has no man, that he lay down His life for a friend.”
all the things you may expect to shine
can fall between the cracks of vagrant stars or sidewalks
never glistening at all beside the lost marbles, jacks, and
mercury dimes you know are all still in there.
and you are unornamented
and your branches cannot hold
all this through long ages
for even an instant longer
while they measure you
for a costume in
the Pageant of Nothing,
holding you hostage
to the solstice snowmen on an
elementary stage.
O beknighted Child.
Sing, Noel, though you are banished for it
by the fathers of the long frost, everywhere.
somewhere, something waits and bides all Time, again;
and unexpectedly, the gales begin to turn
on a fragrance from a winter garden
you once thought you learned the music to;
so fugitive, you thought you may have dreamed it all
when you were home sick from school and
stuffed with fairytales and mentholatum in
the drifting counterpanes,
back to life and missed homework
redolent with the outside air
brought in a little judgmentally
by cheerful, car-coated classmates you barely knew…
and unnamed dread.
and unnamed dread.
but lowly beyond belief, He is:
accrued like a pearl in a sea of darkness
and silent, tear on tear
while small horrors thundered
and their retinues.
and their retinues.
and their retinues.
and their retinues.
and everything you fought
you have forgotten; the stick-like words they said
the silly, sicled sighs, the paper wadded landings.
kick through the pebbles they pebbled you with,
debris they wrapped in fancy paper
(before they threw) smiling before the Teacher's face.
it’s only rubble now though yesterday their towers grew
though not by grace.
now that the Light of all lights appears
in your own skies now in God’s own time each tinted year
and pastel bulbed and bright through mist fraught windowpanes
canceling the shadows Forever as many times as you cry out for it
of the puppeteers with their vast holdings
and talent for mimicry that know how to
dig in for the long haul
fox-holed in your gleaming mind or
rabitting at the children’s parties to much applause
to pointless punch and cookies, and cake that crumbles
and breaks off at the end
and breaks off at the end
of the dime store holly rimmed paper plates too paper thin.
while your embarrassment shines through the room
as though it were candlelabra.
as though it were candlelabra.
you just want to go home where the real Christmas is.
never mind that in these latter days
the thwarted herods of the work-a-day
having been brought word of your soul
having been brought word of your soul
are trumpeting it all over town that it’s all over for you, now-
and calling the caterers a little prematurely,b.c.e…
while mysteriously the Sundial gathers force
in a forgotten rose garden in the snow
indicating what can't be predicted
it’s not the end of the world, now, is it?
Grandmother whispered softly
Light, pure light.
Be not dismayed.
mary angela douglas 20 december 2012