Wednesday, July 16, 2008

I Stood Where There Was No Singing

I stood where there was no singing
breathing myself into the final
color of roses

I did not salute the emptiness

I lived where the first stroke of

the first letter of an alphabet
was only used to cut down

and I was cut down

but from that unfurnished crawl-space

I folded myself into
the unmired magnitude of stars-

mary angela douglas 16 july 2008

Me Quede Donde No Habia Canto
me quede donde no habia canto
respirando a mi mismo en el color
final de las rosas

y yo no salude al vacio

yo vivia en el primer golpe de

la primera letra de un alfabeto
solo se utilizo para reducir

y yo estaba cortado.

pero desde ese espacio de rastreo sin amueblar

yo me dobla en la magnitud de estrellas

no en el cieno.

mary angela douglas Spanish translation from original english july 16, 2011

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