Thursday, December 10, 2009

Lives Of The Hunger Artists

["This is my letter to the world"
-Emily Dickinson

"O Jerusalem, stoning the prophets,

how often I would have gathered...'
Jesus Christ

"This living hand, warm and capable"

-John Keats

I am sending you a last letter:

written on snow
by moonlight.

you do not answer

when I ask:
you do not

honor what I honor.

you leave thorns
instead of roses
thinking yourself a
charitable person

you let me starve;

then you expect a feast.

you leave me friendless

then demean my friendlessness to others.
and let me freeze

"why is he/she shaking?"

I am writing this letter

like a bloodless revolution
like a smile, - a simile-
broken in two
by those who abandon with
no conscience

what others died for-

chasing all evictions down
rushing in to steal
whatever's left behind they can

carry off in truckloads

after I'm dead you'll build an

edifice of Criticism
and furnish it like Versailles;
you will live comfortably

pilfering old letters

first drafts scouring
earliest sketchbooks like

munching on the windfall apples

of ghost-written libels

here is your fair copy

with no envelope
like a night with no stars
a summer with no breeze
a Heaven with no God-

a gallery with no paintings O

Jerusalem, stoning and stoning
what you'll never understand

yet God Himself is

with me, His starry
hand on my right shoulder:
writing with me in invisible ink

this winter telegram to you O

Jerusalem I only wanted to
tell you how beautiful it could be-

to live

mary angela douglas 10 december 2009

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