Wednesday, October 03, 2012

It Worked For The Fairies At Some Point, Didn't It?

(thinking through the affordable housing shortage)

“The fairies have never a penny to spend;
They haven’t a thing put by.
But theirs is the dower of bird and of flower
And theirs are the earth and the sky.”
-Rose Fyleman-

to Rose Fyleman, William Allingham, and Mary Norton

maybe we’ll go take the lid off an acorn
some place in the Forest with violets close by-
(where snails don’t creak through the underbrush to drink off the dew,the noisy things)-

line it with a thread of moss (for carpeting), put the “roof” back on and pray hard to become very small
(though, not in that order)

to fit inside, like the lease always says, in:
“quiet enjoyment of the premises”
what’s the worst that could happen?
no one would come to assess the property

or collect the rent.
or the mortgage.
here’s their dilemma:

(which acorn are you stashed in, anyway?)
probably no room for the dining room table, though-
even without the maple drop-leaf.
certainly no big screen anything.

but also, no bad tv.
no sheriff with the
eviction notice unless he had a

stronger prayer life than could be imagined,
a legendary instinct
and could shrink that small
after all that Cajun barbecue, strawberry pie;

Lord help him with a sorrowful job.
I mean it.
but even then it would probably have to be

either him or the eviction notice
that slipped through the munchkin door carved carefully…
at lunchkin-

you know how paperwork is, unless it’s poetry.
but you’d give him coffee or toffee ice cream in a thimble
some cruller icing crumbs or a drop of green tea.
and something scrumptious for the birds.

(on days off, he likes to feed them.)

how about Lincoln logs.

Tinkertoys. Leggos.

or any combination of the above?
(good thing you never threw anything away you hoarder
Cause here’s that rainy day again a goblin screams)
build it into a waterfall

like Frank Lloyd Wright.
or like a project for the Science Fair
that one you had such hopes for

in the first wind gust to tump
over and become like  pick up sticks
scattered everywhere, but colorfully!
giving Beauty back its own

even in catastrophe;
what more could a tiny artist wish for
but then, there’s squirrels-

-or my name isn’t Thumbelina-
and it’s almost winter time.
you’ll either be buried
(we’re back in Acorn Cottage now)

and the squirrel
will forget where he put you next Christmas
(this matters only if there’s air holes

Down there)
you’ll be a Fall, crunchier than could have been counted on
after squirrel-school snack for the little ones-

kind of like a Jonah and the whale situation from the Bible
only furrier, fluffier, meaner perhaps, in a hard frost-
pray to be swallowed whole (!)

though no one in Nineveh’s going to
put up with a  prophet they can barely see-
even if you do manage to shout at them
from the forest floor -

standing on tiptoe with a sparkly message
near the thudding pine
maybe we’ll go to the beach all on our own

(and still quite small)
off-season- and find a couple of pale-
pink largish shells to tuck under
or something else that’s free the sea

tossed back where it’s always creaming waters at low tide.
near the Coast Guard, if you don’t mind.
I’d like to be defended if at all possible.

but do you really want to be there when that lady
in the floppy hat with the perfect one red rose
putters down to the shoreline for sea glass near
your home sweet home

and you’re inside asleep
and wake up
hammered into earrings?

mary angela douglas 2-3 october 2012

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