Monday, September 09, 2013

In The Picture Book The Red Hearts Shine

"The Queen of Hearts
She made some tarts,
All on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts
He stole the tarts,
And took them right away.
The King of Hearts
Called for the tarts,
and beat the Knave full sore;
The Knave of Hearts
Brought back the tarts.
And vowed he'd steal no more."
The Queen of Hearts, Old English Nursery Rhyme

[Note to Reader: Even as a child I found it impossible to believe that the Knave didn't eat even one single tart.  Although, maybe the Queen was an awful cook but in that case there would have been one tart with just one huge bite taken out of it. And I don't think the King would bother himself with beating someone who stole baked goods, no matter how much he liked them.  So here's my version and I like it a lot .  I hope you will, too.  And that you have plenty of baked goods in the house in case you get hungry later]

in the picture book the red hearts shine

on the frosted tarts beneath the lime

raspberry jam perhaps? or something that

rhymes with cherry compote?
someone should be smote but
I reserve judgment;

they haven't been stolen yet.

and where's the Queen?
in another part of the castle, green
as first grass, suspecting nothing;

(the play runs that way)

practicing her piano obliviously.
be quick I warn, here comes the Jack

to the rococo picnic table at your back

not even with a napkin stealing the lovely
petit fours appealing-
but with a tacky bandana.

you can catch him yes, you can

this Chopin's not going anywhere today.
disconsolately you'll murmur
and float to the bay window
in your appropriate gown:
(sprigged heirloom roses...
on a pale blue background)

to save the pink cakes under your nose

from the knave in plain sight.

mary angela douglas 9 september 2013

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