Saturday, September 21, 2013

Losing The Blue Madonna To The Skies

[to my mother,  (Mary Adalyn Young-Douglas)

losing the blue Madonna to the skies
the painters grieved in secret
and the children died-
losing the blue Madonna.

losing the gold Madonna to the sun
a white irised stillness filled the mind
and all my madrigals were blind.
my madrigals were blind

and moonlight fell on adamantine pillows only
stuffed with may have been beautifuls
beatific, in a receding light.

and I have lost the rose Madonna
queen of all gardens cried the child
cried the child all on her own and,

wildly, whole angel choirs
could not comfort 
though it snowed flowers

mary angela douglas 21 september 2013;rev. 22 september 2013

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