Friday, February 21, 2014

Forgetting The Looking Glass We Left Behind

"for now we see through a glass darkly, 
but then, face to face."
-The Holy Bible

forgetting the looking glass we left behind
how will we pass through when the
moon slips by the open casement

of the fairy windows and
the Ship arrives?
take what you can carry on your back
even old fairy tales advise

but even they leave out, sometimes,
the caves of the mind where inner opulence 
survives, if at all and if

the fires are tended to
they will blaze up in the bleak counties
of the outside world when you are late to work

or cannot find your shoe at the right moment
to prove that you were there
where everything shone
when Eden was still Eden.

sad world, eating the candy hearts that
say "I love you" till nothing is left.
you cry you cry like a child bereft

and can't understand
the looking glass, the key to the Other side
where Love abides is

what you must pack
even more than the bread and butter
to be happy

mary angela douglas 21 february 2014

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