Thursday, June 26, 2014

On the Menu In The School Plaid Lunchbox, First Day Of Summer Vacation

[school nightmare, out of school]

the fairies seem to be holding their annual picnic
in my new plaid lunchbox.
I'm in the cafeteria and this is embarrassing.
I'm starting to get hungry too.
I shouldn't have left that orange peel in there from yesterday.

I'll just open it a crack and see if my
cheese sandwich is still in there.
excuse me...oops.  yes, it is.  they seem to be working around it, putting up pink streamers. 

maybe I'll just hold it in my lap under the
table where no one can see it.
this seems to be working.  I wait while the kid
next to me makes that horrible joke about the
pineapple upside down cake and then blows
blue jello through his nose.

I'm pinching off pieces of the cheese and swallowing fast.
but I'm afraid for the thermos and the vegetable soup.
think I'll take a peep:  they've got the lid off having run out
of their own refrescos. 

some kid from 6th grade just bumped into me
with his butterscotch pudding.
I hear a sloshing sound. wait, while I check.
Queen Titania is wearing her vegetables.

now the bell's ringing so no one hears my screams.
and now they're all dancing in a ring like
 they mean business.

Looks like I won't be taking that math test anyway.
at least it wasn't pizza day. with tater tots.

mary angela douglas 26 june 2014

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