Tuesday, July 01, 2014

Metaphysical Wheat Germ Tableau With The Soup Not Highly Recommended

what if all God wanted from us was to sing in the trees
-or at least, near them, said my sister,
unless you think you're a bird.

and we were at the dinner table in the afternoon

after I put wheat germ in the soup.
they'll never notice it, said Adele Davis in her book

but she didn't count on my littlest sister, sharp-eyed
sweet eaglet that she was at five, despite the endless loop
of her rabbit frou frou song that never ended, and she said, 

chirping rather loudly:

what are all those dots in the soup?
what if there is no hell? I asked but only Heaven;

thinking of it before John Lennon did

to divert their attention.
but everyone kept slurping up their stew

and working around the B vitamins in it.

mary angela douglas 1 july 2014

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