Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Mirage Like From A Distance Stray

[to Edgar Allen Poe and those who loved him]

mirage like from a distance stray

the figments of a happier day
of kingdoms, kingdoms washed away.

how maple red the skies appeared above the castles

always drear your own heart knocking at the doors
walled in itself and evermore

all glistening sails with the Adored

and never returning

how scorned by critics who can name

who pierced a troubled heart in shame.
around the lintels of their fame

may nothing shine forevermore

till Time and all its angels show
above the bitter flying snows

intemperate as his repose

a presence deepened known as Poe and
mystic organs swell commemorative:

a grieving love enshrine.

mary angela douglas 14 october 2014

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