Friday, October 17, 2014

You, With Your Wild Strawberries, Will Never Go Far

the sword in the stone. the jewel in its setting.
a flicker of light they lightly said through a turgid wood.
old legends.

how can I answer when I see it all ablaze:
all Christmas-sequined, rainbowed through the eyelash...
they raze the least attempt at conversation.

and I'm just in the woods picking strawberries, I guess
out of place here. 
out of place there.

between two seas:
in love with Circassian shadows, it may be.
it may be light is a stream of jewels

but who can listen? words glisten

and were they for us, deep snows?
how could I tell what you meant by them
who wanted above all things

like a child to float in on clouds of rose
turning into the wind as though it were
a great stage...the meadow lands of dream.

then I read Turgenev for awhile
in a snowy dress,  a paler sash.
till someone asked sardonically: aren't you far from home?

go back! through the looking glass!

mary angela douglas 17 october 2014

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