there should be perfume made from the grass pale green
after our Grandfather mows the lawn and we could
stopper it with the crystal blue of the sky above
the backyard and we picked rose petals from the
flower bed and smothered them in the linen closet
thinking they would become our very own rose
perfume till Grandmother said what the heck is this, little
girls? and filled with gloom we had to face the fact
we were never going to be perfumers and how come
everyone else's science experiments worked
and yet and yet on rare days I remember the scent
of those roses the first scent the pink of it the red of
it the rose red stories
and I start to cry at the kindness of God
preserving it anyway so vividly,
smoothing the linen of our minds
beyond what could be expected
as if there were no past but only those
roses only that sky
still, and ever present
in our blossoming through Time
mary angela douglas 26 march 2015