Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Penny Wishes On Mercury Dimes

one day our penny wishes will return
so copper bright.
the ones we tossed; wishing fiercely

by random fountains.
wishing wells.
even the stage set kind

made of cardboard
at the school fairs.

I used to wish for the world
a something...
every time-and me, in it.

now I forget...
but nothing's wasted
if you pay attention;

not one dime my

Grandfather gave
me then to spend
on what could be

that wasn't then.
and isn't now.

one day, somehow-
someday on an ordinary day,
and far from Christmas still

some radiance unannounced

will come and ring the doorbell
after all these years
and I'll remember through my tears

his kindness then
in teaching me to spend
and from the heart you bet

on penny wishes
every chance you get.

mary angela douglas 30 september 2015

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