Saturday, October 24, 2015


in my dreams I'm finishing up old paperwork
not my own; someone else's.
someone who didn't do the work themselves

and judges me continually.
in my dreams I can't stop working
for other people

without getting paid
though wondering why
at odd moments

am I
still there in
dusty warehouses

with one violet windowpane

adding up the results
and falling short

of expectations
I never had.
and if I find the key

I'll let myself out.
I'll let myself out
on a side street

and hurry away
and I'll never go back

and they can file old invoices
up in the Sky
for all I care.

I'm anywhere else.
until I die.
and on my knees

asking God
for no carbon copies.

mary angela douglas 24 october 2015

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