Sunday, November 22, 2015

Winter Accolade (To God)

[and for Rita A, Yadamec, my friend,in memorium- who loved winter best {because it required faith and was less obvious than Spring)]

you brought clouds and doves.
the grey silk linings.
and in a ray of sun

it all turns silver.
I cherished the winters
you gave us.

the guardian pines are in my heart at all times
flocked with snows and starlight,
perpetually Christmas.

quietly you have given us
the snows from the moons.
the planets for children.

let me gather them here.

the clouds weeping oh sweeping
the immeasurable Plains.
immensities of violet light,

my midwest distances now.
they charge my iridescences
with crimes thinking I have

served clowns and wearing blinders
when they read my lines so that
my heart, is bent and almost banished.

but I am sent to love your distances.
your chilled iridescences.
the colour green wistfully

dreamed through the mists.
and should not relinquish this.

mary angela douglas 22 november 2015

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