Sunday, January 24, 2016

Orange Crush Grape Crush

orange crush grape crush
who has a crush on sodas
in the sum sum summertime

and the strawberry cone is melting
on the picture book of rhymes
the vanilla and chocolate

in the wings, standby
so you won't be disappointed when
it plops down pink on the sidewalk

and it's Christmas time for the ants.
its a heart sung library flung out dream
our skirts spinning wide

of the cream skimmed off the top
of the Big Top

mimosas in the front yard fluttering
feathery their pink and green goodbye goodbye
that I remember best

the silver beads on the iced tea glass at home
and the slender, the silver spooned repast

of the banana split, whipped topping dream
fudge sauce rendered in the fluted glass
or the Melmac cereal bowl transfigured

by my Grandfather

as if someone suddenly said to you:
here child, this is Heaven.
taste it, please.

mary angela douglas 24 january 2016

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