Friday, January 29, 2016

On Pale Blue Paper

on pale blue paper
with a scalloped edge
on the underside of clouds

inscripted on the lily pad
barely said outloud
or silver belled on a cream invitation

or in the violet rains refrained
where the silver ink has spilled;
quietly let it fill

the crevices where flowers failed.

is it written on water
is it far from land
impossible to understand

in scrapbooks bursting with
tinted postcards, gingery recipes
schoolroom commendations

happy families

cut from old magazines
in garish array;
the boxed candied days...

whatever it was

or that it may be:
the disputed colours of an undiscovered sea
wildly streaked with snows

the final starry blow

or an arbor that's closed
the list of those who know
or those who have no clue

the last thing you do

let it be written
let it be written
let it be written

mary angela douglas 29 january 2016