Thursday, August 17, 2017

On The Odd Removal Of Certain Statues And Cemetery Angels...

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations

from The Second Inaugural Address, Abraham Lincoln

the wrecking crew is here
a cheshire voice purred very near
and disappeared

amongst the statuary
of the waning years excised.
blood spilled was not enough

and overnight the granite snows

bloomed into tears
for what was lost
at such a cost

as one by one
from the court of what remained
old statues were carted away

proving the righteousness
of the current day
the retrial of the past

convened, reconvened
like a school test in a dream

you didn't see coming
and so, were not prepared
for what you thought

or felt, caught unaware:
for kicked in the head
on the summer ground

a statue
cannot make a sound
it's mute

and though
it's never been alive
it's been decreed

decreed that it must die
be publicly shamed

no witness to a grave

until not a shard remains
of the dateless angels
commemorating grief

on the wrong side of the coin
lo these many years after

and stripping the 
last last shred of dignity away
is now the game some want to play

all those intent and jubilant
in venting wrath this dubious way while
Christ said from the wings

the stones would cry out
the stones would cry out
the stones would cry out

except that grieving
was no longer allowed

out loud for the renegades
or in the public square

and arrogant vacancy proclaims the lie
that they were ever even here
let's make it clear to the amputees

who died anyway on a blood drenched field

chanted the wrecking crew
chanting the wrecking crew
to whatever ghosts were listening

and could be made to suffer more

mary angela douglas 17 august 2017