Saturday, September 30, 2017

To Grow Up Knowing How To Arrange Flowers

to grow up knowing how to arrange flowers
in the foyer of the universe
to finish the census of the stars before daybreak

to carry in one small purse of red velvet
a single amber coin
the toll to fairy land

to wear on either hand
separate emeralds

to play emerald music
on the baby grand, both hands together
came the Grandmother's command

this was rather dreamed

than planned
to catch the lace of the lilac train
in one hand

resembling Spring
to pose that way without pretense
yet knowing how the one ray

fell across your shoulder, with you
in the landscape,
forever looking back

and lingering in the snow lights

remembering the highlights
of a poetic education
and the carousel  sunset's blur

of the summers that passed
without saying a word.

mary angela douglas 30 september 2017