Friday, November 10, 2017

Why Did The Cardinal Red

why did the cardinal red in the snow
make us so happy
and the holly berries glow

glazed over in brilliant sunlight,
so dazzle and diamond star.

the strings of coloured lights
like tulip bulbs hauled down
from the creaking attic

everytime by a careful Grandfather

made our hearts shine
these things do not
diminish with time

or crackle around the edges
but ever, evergreen intensify
and not like wrappings cast aside

the doll bride presides
at the wedding feast
over the glaced fruit and nog

and books and toys
and all agog at

the stocking homemade surprise
blue ribboned and violet sprigged,,
a dress for Spring, surmised

more than a reverie sugarplum coated over.
all of it remains, sustains
in Heaven's gilt disguise.

like the wandering Star
within the orphaned mind
still come to rest-

before adoring eyes.

mary angela douglas 10 november 2017