Monday, December 18, 2017

Your Clouds So Opal Inlaid

your clouds so opal inlaid
so rich am I
while they are drifting by

even sheer memory of the Rose
surpasses all extravagance
and I have seen so many

what tribute can I bring
to you my Lord

for winged birdsong
the silvered slant of rains
the cooling breeze

gardenia shade
the beauteous things Your hands have made

so many sang before
and in more elegant refrains
your myriad wonders

and though they count me poor
I long to carol too
and under Your natal Star

on Christmas Day,
imperceptibly as I can,
quietly glorify.

all the embroidered
the ambrosial years.

mary angela douglas 18 december 2017/rev, 19 december 2017