if we didn't have to go back
(to school, to work, to...)
we would stay at home all day
and eat the locally famous peaches
study ballet and audition for
the 12 princesses or more
dancing their shoes to tatters
well, what else matters
perhaps peach cobbler
all things formerly out of reach
we'd teach ourselves, wear
cherry velvet in the evenings
and play board games
and wave our wands
of mystical mysticness
over the winter grass, the plains
where cattle low nervously feeding
before the great snows
descend with the princesses once again
this time in cream, and carrying little bunches
of late violets or
binding ourselves to handpainted Kites
the ones our Grandfather made out of
plain brown wrapping paper
eating life savers in every candy shade
and being the Easter parade.aloft
next door to the stars
with time to savour.
mary angela douglas 18 april 2018
(to school, to work, to...)
we would stay at home all day
and eat the locally famous peaches
study ballet and audition for
the 12 princesses or more
dancing their shoes to tatters
well, what else matters
perhaps peach cobbler
all things formerly out of reach
we'd teach ourselves, wear
cherry velvet in the evenings
and play board games
and wave our wands
of mystical mysticness
over the winter grass, the plains
where cattle low nervously feeding
before the great snows
descend with the princesses once again
this time in cream, and carrying little bunches
of late violets or
binding ourselves to handpainted Kites
the ones our Grandfather made out of
plain brown wrapping paper
eating life savers in every candy shade
and being the Easter parade.aloft
next door to the stars
with time to savour.
mary angela douglas 18 april 2018