Thursday, July 26, 2018

I Fell Off the Cliff Of Learning Into The Honied Day

I fell off the cliff of learning
ooooooh the invisible said
what happened to your head

my head is made of valentines I said and sometime violins
not fractions of stale pie gardens of grades gone by
not tea things with wings aspiring to be more

collapsible telescopes ever more
collapsing stars. I'm Alicean in iced blue and pink
I said. I drifted, words drifting from me

turning red.stomping off. yellowING words with a cough.
and poly syllabled, words from the Greek and the replete.
I went to the ball with golden ones simple, in a gown of cherry

simon sampling the entire Fair in love with God not a single
care stuffed into my satchel while

my heart turns green unto the lanes of the fair day living
where no one learns anything apart from apple tarts
the heart already learned in lawn, with clouds

the flowers made of snow heaped up to musing
and soft blue tones, pale things
and lightly fragranced.we shall compose

only knowing the roses.ringed and rosy tinged
I am the earthquake's lid at the tea party tres delicate
lost among the too too brilliant to live

I am a stranger on the cliff of learning
you don't even try to balance someone said weighing opinions
not carefully at all

your last week's assignment sugar bowl full of equations

why should I when it's my kaleidoscope that's
turning and turning from breakfast on, on violet china
the ever more beautiful into a Farther beauty, bouquet. head full of violins valentines wistful
can you imagine it
with the olden songs,.at home
amid the mignonette.

mary angela douglas 26 july 2018