Sunday, July 29, 2018

Let All The Schools Be Schools Of Dream

let all the schools be schools of dream
and all the children, dreamers
though we must walk by on tiptoe

the dragons, sleeping at the gate
bypass the accounting accountables
counting the mince pies out at Christmas

every angel threaded snowflake on the threshold of waking
trees will whisper it's green and it's green
out here ghost children of recessses, of the bygone years

passed, but into the Living Stream,
slip oranges  into our hands
old skipping ropes, jacks flung out like stars

children you were born to hope to be who you Are

and twirly all around to mimic the sound
of rampant birdsong the jeweled and hidden brooks
to find also in books such streams, such gleams

and the transcendant nooks of American schemes
the rhodora and rhododendron of it all
and the honeysuckled feasts the cloud swung swings

into the ridddles

the red clay scrawls of small animals ferret and the
fern ferned winding stories, the musk roses gathered
and twilight coming in without a butterscotch warning.

then we begin again.

mary angela douglas 29 july 2018