Sunday, July 22, 2018

Mothlike, Lacunae.. The Poets Gone.

mothlike, lacunae, I dreamed of that pale green shade
the hushed rose scented evenings of a former age
the truth plighted to love

and wrote it all down in a fragmentary way
dipped in silver:

when will the clouds awake let Shelley say
and then the wind comes through
laden with God.

after days I wait.
the burnished emblems sigh
orphaned after Yeats.

and his unmooring verses fly
to vaster worlds, Away!

to whom shall I cry
give notice to the violet skies, the shires,
the torch is gone.

the one they carried for so long
from ministering hand to hand

by God recalled.
men build tinkertoy walls, towers
what they will or may

out of the last few sticks, or clay

to wall it all though this had never been...
to bury them again.
and leave us to technical English.

the minimal parings. the lacklustre kings.
the public shearing of wings.

mary angela douglas 22 july 2018