Saturday, August 11, 2018

Miss Pink Tomato And The Cosmological Constant

for my sister, Sharon F. Douglas

I remember when she loved peridot necklaces
and we stood pink watch over the rose patch
courtesy of our Grandfather in our backyard or

when she entered Julliard, all summer long
before that hearing Chopin played at home
in incessant rippling beauty

as if Chopin had come back

his pale blue rainy ghost
in my Grandmother's piano studio looking on
and the notes clear raindrops you could see through

we laughed at the same jokes or our teddies did
which amounted to the same thing in the beginning
then she grew wings 

stepping off the Sleeping Beauty stage
as one of the gifted fairies in the third grade
the most realistic fairy everyone agreed

the school had ever seen...

to play Hedda Gabler on an Arkansas stage
a few musical nosegays reminiscent of
Cole, Berlin, Gershwin

she breathed Gershwin breathing out a rare sapphire sound
before that a kind of crystalline
version of the age of ten

with Dimiti Mitropolis 

we grew apart
but not in my heart
she made people laugh

in new york caberet
with her version of Little Miss Pink Tomato
spouting Secular Umanism.

Pretty sure with a lisp.
And other glitzy characters
piano riffs

Piaf from a roseate view
I wonder if she ever knew
how much I cherished

even the memory
of how much she hated fried okra.
and loved her padded book report

in pink and blue=
on Rosa Bonheur.

mary angela douglas 11 august 2018