Saturday, September 29, 2018

Drif(ting Into God

to Matthew Arnold
to Alfred Lord Tennyson
parrot gaudy, carnival emblematic the stream of human events
we watched over Avalon, Camelot
the faring Fair and thought of this: the hidden life
as on the other side of a mirror recessive, recessional
the nightingale furled music killed despair
the saints and fools for God achieved finally
their very own silence.
which to choose the candled gloom or the rainbow riot
each must choose beyond the news, the collective summing up.that signifies, nothing, really.
swans as they vanish leave a trace
as Jesus did on the Loving Cup
of what has been and of the Return.
we seized our chance for a furtive glance perhaps
and were doomed to litter the knight bled trail.
but saints, they know whose they should be
still seek the Grail,
and where to go even to obscurity or further into woe
it still, it will always come up Gold.
and where far from the madding crowd
as the expression goes
oblivious as snows they are
drifting into God.
mary angela douglas 29 september 2018