Sunday, September 09, 2018

Lo How A Rose On The Down Low...

"amid the cold of winter, when half spent was the Night."
from the Christmas carol. "Lo, How A Rose E'er Blooming."

the maiden speech of the maidens cancelled
the filmy veils wrecked
because the dragons were hungry

no longer circumspect

this was left off the menu
the literature of the field
the field where lances broke

against the Invisible
and on covenant lands,
the quiring angels queing up

for the inevitable downtown sunsets

or the food trucks
of the newly glitzed
the condo served.

oh poetry my lost
amongst the herds trampled
the popcorn crowds exiting

and under a sullen moon
no longer recited.

while we make our covert home
among the briars
waiting for the resurgence

of the Rose.

mary angela douglas 9 september 2018