Tuesday, September 25, 2018

What To Pack In An Emergency

three acorns full of sudden illumination
three dresses to match
a match

and a thousand candles
the Gospel of John
a rug to fly upon

rose seed, the King's own sealing wax
the golden stamped insignia to go with
a child in need of fairy tales

the fairy tales themselves
the Book of Kells and gingerbread

a rain cloud's wishing well, a featherbed
with multicoloured quilts innumerable
and a pda

the spell of human kindness.
green leaves

in case the new planet doesn't have any
a Christmas toy train that runs at all speeds
through a welcoming village

the radio from Cocteau's film
that only telegraphs poetry
silver songs, indifferent swans slightly rumpled

a cherry orchard
that cannot be felled.

mary angela douglas 25 september 2018