Monday, October 15, 2018

He Cries Inside

he thinks he's landed in another country
after the bus doors close
in his office best

a new briefcase.
first days are hardest.
no one speaks a word.

what can he say to break the ice
to make the continents drift a little less
he tightens the belt on his raincoat.

he spent his last salary on it.
now he works commissioned.
oh for a swig of coffee from a thermos

but people don't carry lunchboxes
where he works. his new shoes hurt.
they think I'm a jerk he thinks

though really no one thinks of anything at all.
they're still too cold and the bus hasn't heated up.
My car is in the shop he says to explain his

presence among them,
almost apologetic, shy.
no one responds.

he cries inside.

mary angela douglas 15 october 2018