Sunday, December 30, 2018

Still To Be Dreaming

once in summer's sandals to be shod
never to live then any other way
not to nod off, still to be dreaming

anywhere, nascent incipient singing through Yeats I am
the rose of the world by the summer gate blooming
then all we wanted was our share of dark cherry lollipops

day to day and Mama's stories and to play or
suddenly, to find fluttering to the floor
from some old fashioned book she once adored

mapped on brown paper
the way the Princess took
from the castle.

draw the drawbridge in
the winter is coming
we heard at the matinees

the ones we made up, evading all homework
the winter of centuries delayed
and the map and the castle crumble away

dark cherries, cobblers butter rich
the green gate swings no more
you're in the ditch evading storms

you say whenever you say anything these days.
in sequined Dissolve! the fading scenes fade
and the chamomille lawns

the games of croquet
the dairy maids singing in the jeweled grass
when something Irish came to pass

I know we lived this once
it's not too late
still to be dreaming

still self taught in a visionary way
to be caught up in to the very end in this,
the lace of the day

mary angela douglas 30 december 2018