who wouldn't love the die cut paper castles,
paper snowflakes snipped, the mirrored pond
reflections of a pink tulled dancer
reflections of a pink tulled dancer
on one leg standing in an old story;
one leaden soldier to wait upon.
being made of paper not much was left to chance
one leaden soldier to wait upon.
being made of paper not much was left to chance
a misplaced wind, an uncertain dance
a gust from a hearth ablaze and
the end of storied days, snip snap.
a gust from a hearth ablaze and
the end of storied days, snip snap.
these are the happenstantial ways
Hans Andersen furnished
for a paper valentine
Hans Andersen furnished
for a paper valentine
to those farther down the line.
where the leaden soldier
never loses nerve
where the leaden soldier
never loses nerve
but is captive to a breeze
and the dancer at attention too
in the end
and the dancer at attention too
in the end
we rue.
though she also,
was true.
though she also,
was true.
mary angela douglas 15 january 2019