Thursday, February 28, 2019

So This Is

so this is Wonderland she said
to clear the netting in her head
where rose gardens painted red

revert to white when it rains
or something else is gained
I can't remember what

by looking at the clock

I'll start again
and learn my lessons clear
as mirror writing

with a minimum of inciting

sending telegrams instead
of buttering my bread
but who's to send and where

it's like a dream dead latitude
when everything you knew
suddenly won't apply

apply yourself they scream
in every corner of the dream
but nothing works here as before

or is it after
interrupted by their laughter

soonest said never mended in my head
but spirographs of snow will decorate the cold
winter in no retreat

no one there to meet you
at the train
that runs on past you into

an inverse universe
expecting the worst of fractions
a lunch of liverwurst

a pat on my fuddled head
I wanted raspberries instead
and lemon cake

oh when will I awake

this must be my mistake
it always is, they say
and I've learned now

I don't know how
it's easier when
you don't pretend

you solved the riddle without end
so just comply
when they ask why

say nothing else and be well bred.
they say that works
when you're lost on earth.

or underground
or underground

mary angela douglas 28 february 2019