Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Pink And Green

ah tickety tack of the green and pink song
I have been away so long
from the Christmas village, the once upons

the bright new isinglass
over the sun
blue shadows in the snows.

and those of rose.
why couldnt we live like the evergreens
living out Christmas scene by scene

the jingling of the stars
not so very far
from where we lived.

they think I don't know the President
what is borrowed and what is lent
the day I'm in and can I count to ten

or backwards, please. we'll wait.
I watch the rules and say it all back
countering fact with golden fictions

the azure netting over the formal gown
why should I indulge their whims

who lived so royal in the way back whens
with orange slice candy, march kite winds
and pink and green almonds in a yellow glass jar.

I'll pray for them to go away
and bring the Christmas dolls to stay
painted china, high raspberry teas

and all my mother gave to me
my Grandmother's pearls
the bright skirts swirled

when I was a girl
and swung on the swings
till dusk came down

the star jangled music
all around.

mary angela douglas 6 march 2019