Sunday, April 14, 2019

We'll Find Ruby Slippers For The Dolls

we'll find ruby slippers for the dolls;
and click, click, click, all of them.
and name them Dorothy one and two

to infinity. their Totos too. their bears.
we'll manage it.
we always do and give them tea in pairs

when relatives ply us with so many dolls
we could found a small kingdom for them.
so many Glindas!

what will we do with that many wishes
to go home...
if we knew

how easily we
would slip through the gate
and not return.

that the rose briar hedges would prove

we would have saved them all;
the wands too.the Christmas changes of outfits.
but how could we know then

the emerald wind
was once.
once only.

and irreversible.

mary angela douglas 14 april 2019

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