Saturday, July 27, 2019

As If The Trees Could Not Help;or Dystopia In Its Meager Hour; Or The Brightest Light Bulbs In The Room

As If The Trees Could Not Help;Or Dystopia In Its Meager Hour;Or The Brightest Light Bulbs In The Room...

as if the trees could not help but burst into flowers
nor the stars swirl into galaxies without them
or streams run under the summer sun

they have decreed all things to grow
in depressing mandates issued by the score
and as they see it, are charged

with telling us so. even how to breathe.

this is the nightmare role
they have conceived
who take notes on the less fortunate

they suppose are unelightened or just plain lazy.
the lightest reading ot the old forgotten tales
would enlighten them

that men perceived to be in ill fortune
are often the most blessed.
but you can't tell them anything

they don't think
they already know unless they can think
that you know less o so much less

though you are schooled in great distress

they imagine they were the first
to come to all knowledge.
and have degrees from every college,

earned or not.

lead the horses to water as you will
they will not drink
no matter what their thirst

unless you think they thought of it first.

mary angela douglas 27 july 2019

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