Friday, August 23, 2019

Was I

I like towns in dreams.
they seem so familiar
but you can't put your finger on little things there

like where do I live in this town
can someone please take me there
but I cant tell you where it is

but you let me hop on the bus anywhere
though my coins seem a strange denomination
I feel happy in the dream towns.

its summer melting into the school year pleasantly.
there dont seem to be any bills
or even any mail

i go into book shops happily
and find the rarities

but when they ring me up
the details arent that clear
what is happening here

it's the dream town way
troubles in life have no part to play here
a life with troubles isnt even a reference point

and landscapes linger

there's no feeling that you traveled too far
or that your legs won't hold out.
somehow you just exist there

as if you should with no requirements
always be that person going back there
being there with no shadows on the lawn

but amusing problems get solved
everyone's happy when they do

so that you think on awakening
was I in a precinct of Heaven?

mary angela douglas 23 august 2019

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