Saturday, September 28, 2019

It Wasn't A Breach Of Manners

here is a little bit what I think
making up jump rope rhymes
at the sink

Antoinette in a gown of gold
was your story really told
Antoinette in a wreath of pinks 

here is what I really think.
no one said how the poor people lived
keeping money in a sieve

eating toast without marmalade
barely even getting paid.
all you knew in a castle locked

was what they told you or did not.
what to wear with your new frock.
you had bread and cake besides.

how would you know the
courtiers lied.

you answered the riddle the best you could
merely seeking to be good.
wanting to improve their state

if they don't have bread, then they can eat cake.
how you were maligned my dear
by those whose motives weren't that clear.

no one told you how it is
you only wanted to assist.

still they mock you
in the grave
those still scuttling in Plato's cave.

mary angela douglas 28 september 2019

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