Tuesday, September 24, 2019

When Snow Clouds Form/Dakota Snows (Final Draft)

when snow clouds form in dreams about the prairie
I feel somehow reborn as if everything here
could be secretly made out of crystals

and the air itself holds so much crystal
it is an amazement.
I wanted to walk for a long long while

just tasting the crystal in a kind of prescient way
chill orange of the skies at mid day
I felt that bells rang out from the clouds or could or would

making it Christmas day haloed and hallowed

a glittering expectation not in a society way
not social at all
purely hushed for the soul and its reconfiguring

invigorating so that your cheeks blushed cold
and you could hold the note in the song
so that the clouds drifting angels bent down

as if listening in a silver kind of way to that cantata only
with the dollike and lovel redudancies of jewel box ballerinas
implicitly on display covering delicately every fence I knew

and the winds whistling as if from the far North
fairy tales; redundancies of the locking glass scattered
so that I know only prisms and crowned with them then

passing the corner as I did then, with them,
the out of date store fronts
it's all whirling I thought

there will never be anything more beautiful

mary angela douglas 24 september 2019

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