Monday, December 23, 2019

For Isak Dinesen, Her Incomparable Stories

threading words like pale pink diamonds
roseate through old demesnes
will the bearers of this message

sink or swim or just explain
will they vanish disappear
love the ghosts from nameless years

in the story find reprieve
in the richness of its seams
tidewater of the fading stars

does it mirror where you are

human hearts across the bar;
antiquated though it seems
just now waking from their dreams

bright enameled on each page
from a quite mercurial stage

from a realm none else could mine
looping shadows over time
quests forgotten lore renewed

emblematic of the few last- lost- curios...

chiming bells, an attitude
caught that moment in the light
anecdote or wrong set right

Edens green the long goodbye
will the princess even cry
there the countess, there the lie

there the vow that must not die
families of heraldic sin

ice floes at the story's end
when the sweethearts must depart
farther than the story's arc.

mary angela douglas 23 december 2019

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