Friday, January 17, 2020

With Pound Cake

could we turn in a jewel box world
and could we twirl in tulle, too
we wondered in our mama's room

the pink one like  a rose that bloomed
even when she wasn't there.
the one with the tune,

"Enchanted Evening.", the box I mean
with sweet costume jewelry that princess gleamed.
or Queen.

then we wondered many things
why Midnight In Paris in deep blue

glass was a consolation prize on TV
and if Samsonite luggage would hold up
should we be invited to tea by

Princess Margaret and Lillibet too

why drinking cocoa from a cup

made it taste better and if THEY knew
why Grandmother in any weather would say
dont forget your sweater today

when you go outside girls.
unless it was summer
when she would admonish

your nose, dont forget to put
zinc oxide on it.

these were riddles like forget me knots
that twined in the embroidery of our knots of our
thinking a lot

and where is the prism that shines on the wall
like in Pollyana and will we fall too like she did
when rescuing our dolls, into the grass

in all our dramatic reenactments
of an early Spring.when we saw Disney

on the Rialto screen
and drank Coca Cola in every scene
iced in the jelly glass

and with a fizzy sound
poured in the afternoons 
with pound cake.

mary angela douglas 17 january 2020

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