Saturday, March 07, 2020

Assessing The Assessors I Cried Out

assessing the assessors I cried out
how is it everything they hear is turn about
so my courage is named fear

and all I think about just disappears
into their black stars void as if they alone thought of it
until oh God I wonder where you are

have they taken you captive too and all divinity.

and in a nest of lies I can't find any clue
what is it that they do what say
unraveling everything I know was true

when I told them in the first place and from You
ditching the testimony like a ransacked soul
they forge on in forging woe

and what I said with angels for witnesses
is swallowed up so they may seize the loving cup
coopt the Grail.

they cry justice meaning something else
and make a jail of the least bright thing
and as wolves fly. to the sheep.

the sun is cut out of the sky. the moon's asleep.
and I watch them from the corner of my eye run
with everything I tried in rags of gold

to let them know' or for the sake of innocents, behold.

mary angela douglas 7 march 2020

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