Friday, March 27, 2020

This Greatly Comforts Me

I have stood in dream grass in my dreams
yet never felt the earth beneath my heel
was I floating then was I somewhat angelical

a being more like cloud than anything else?

how could I tell.

still I was there. 
where are we really here on earth

I feel my dreams question me so fleetingly

but I'll get marked down somewhere maybe
for never knowing how to answer that.

As it happens in fairytales, perhaps it could be revealed

how is it that some return home with a golden leaf from the dreamtime clutched in one hand

irrefutable proof to them at least
and no mistake that
they were really somewhere when they dreamed
though not on any map esteemed

from time to time this greatly comforts me.

when I am near to tears:and the cartographers flee.
o to be lost in dream snow learning to let go
of the too qualified Here

mary angela douglas 27 march 2020


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