Thursday, April 16, 2020

Why Is It Whenever We Get Up To Sing

why is it whenever we get up to sing
the library disclaimer kicks in at the Open Mic
so-called only to say this Library has no liability

for the mention of Jesus walking on the
waters of this poem but I go on
speaking about that day in the park

and I'm in the children's pool bobbing
in a little boat and happy to be afloat
in the mystical day in the swan boat

and after the snow cones, adrift in the
pond and there are my Grandparents so fond of me

as I try to conjure them back in the library storeroom but instead
and mysteriously a whiff of strawberries overhead
Arkansas's best summons us to this clear and chilled pear moment

and the audience is blurred.stirring uncomfortably.

there are my grandparents smiling at me
like I'd just reached Olympus at the age of three
oh what is it my library that you disdain that

I'm speaking in vanilla plain syllables of ice cream
wondering at you your antiseptic demesne your rules

about me and my poem and Jesus in the dark
leaning over the carousels the stallions in pink and green
sparks going off every once in a while a mis en scene

and the diadem over my head

of the shekinah glory of God
and the evening then, so mild.

the moon battened down with a firefly brooch between clouds.
the poem finished;the crowd dispersed
and I'm still in love with the beauty of the earth.

mary angela dougals 17 april 2020;rev. 16 may 2020

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