Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Second Sight

I have seen angels hidden in the room
quell interrogations with their sudden snows

and fasten the stars back into the broken skies.

the medallions on the ceilings.
I have seen nations lie and private nations too and reeling,
and cul de sacs where despair was cultivated by many
and force fed to the few.
I have seen it like a film that does not end
a film I've never been in, not with my soul.
I have seen shadow boxes of fragrant gardens made
and wanted to live there myself apart from the census takers
but I could not make myself small again like Alice
I have seen the sky fallen into crystal pieces and
this was my heart caving in though it was termed an ice storm
on the weather radio and you will say now
my words don't make sense but I know I am mapping the
truth of how things felt back then
following the careers of the prisoners of conscience;
and I know, metaphorically speaking.
I am accurate.

mary angela douglas 27 may 2020

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