Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I Remember Everything

there could be another life than this if you would just turn
like the teacher said back to the beginning of the book
when Orange Crush soda matched perfectly

the orange nasturtiums on the lawn and our Grandfather called them
surprise flowers because we were always surprised to see them
whether in orange, deep pink or perfect purple.

it took a long time to pronounce them correctly
but the flowers never seemed to mind.
and I remember how I felt when the wind blew softly then.

through the pines

angels are fanning your face I wanted to say to everyone in Space
or just
in our house that was made of rose brick and holidays and picture windows

and clocks that ticked exactly like Emily said in the play Our Town.

oh morning has got her maple red gown on too the children's poetry book sighed
and seemed to tell us the secret music of everything
or else my Grandmother did. her hands moving over the keys

to Liszt's eternal dreams of love or else she was Scherezade
and we the happy spectators.
you will say because you love to say the things that are not

that this is not true. that valentines were not made and crayoned in
for the deserving few.when storm clouds rolled in like licorice.
but I witnessed them.
and I remember everything.

I do.

mary angela douglas 26 may 2020

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