Saturday, May 30, 2020

Like Endless Words In Flight

I love branching conversations

and when the birds in vast migrations

come to settle there

there is jeweled singing.

I sing there too in emerald enumerations

or float with clouds

over the brimming oceans and, as they recede

and in backward motion back in Time

elliptical and dreamed by God'

I still want

I want to be that kind of flowering

they will say you are off topic as if I were in a business


I think it is strange to be that stationary

when we could be all rivers rushing down to the sea

if we chose to be or

holding on to the golden thread through the labyrinth

and that is poetry the way it feels to me

under the Pearl and watchful Eye of God

the way it always turned like an opal in my imagination

or the moon set like a jewel, glinting

on the rim of night; or like endless words in flight.

mary angela douglas 30 may 2020

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