Friday, May 01, 2020

Plagiarizing The Pom Poms

down to the last rag doll rag and bone
my God we have been used by those
with side-winding smiles by those who say

we'll see you in a while but who mean never
as they drop off the cliff with everything they could lift from you
with an oh I'll take that off of your hands

or I'll raise my hand with the answer you already gave
but the teacher couldn't hear you
and borrow your words your finery and not use quotes as if that were

their prerogative and the kit catty cat burglar game made bona fide

right in front of you while they bask in a ripped off glow

and bushel basket strangle your small flame
as they ascend ascend to spiral staircase fame
flinging a stolen glance from the shoulder a rhinestone shawl
but the oddest thing of all is the staircase runs out

and they haven't even got a shout for help,
they could call their own.

mary angela douglas 1 may 2020

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