Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Prologue: The Garden Of Statues

who will reap this harvest of stone
and the sickle bending near
who will reap these stone tears

and be commended by angels.
long years they have stood
beneath the guardian trees

or under the blazing in humid summer squares.

frozen in misalliance misled valor chaos.
the last trace
of all that slaughter.

and the bodies unrecovered.

stumbling toward death
thinking only of home.

the blood lines cut from earth.
and no grave.
will you cut them more?

where is mercy
why is mercy now snowed under.
when the dust was laid comingled at Gettysburg

by Lincoln have you forgotten charitable words

will you come at midnight for him too?
a neo assasination in stone.how modern.
will you drag him down to the river.

because he was merciful to the foe?

who lived by the mercy of Christ
withold the angels cry from heaven

where God has not reaped
how will men sow.

mary angela douglas 21 july 2020

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