Sunday, August 16, 2020

How Festive It Is Not To Be Rich and Famous

you can do anything really. take up painting

dance a jig make up a play in your head

and be the star

and then change roles midstream

you can dream anything

and you dont have to pay taxes on it

feel free to go anywhere

maybe you wont get the best table

or even the best chair

but you'll get to finish your meal

you can wear bunny slippers on oscar night

and wrinkly clothes

be in your bare toes

next week you wont have to cancel the soiree

where you wont be on display

or be on a plane to L.A.

you wont have to have anything ready to say

or dust off any shelf in the house

for maybe a trophy

you can watch all the movies you want

with dill popcorn and never feel bad

you almost got that role. or sigh:

you wish you had.

mary angela douglas 16 august 2020

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